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The mainstream media’s coverage on the poor moral character of President Donald Trump seems never ceasing.  We’ve heard that he’s recently referred to our fallen military heroes as ‘cowards.’  We’ve also recently been told that he’s responsible for the deaths of thousands of people due to poor COVID19 strategies.  We’ve also heard about how racist he is because he doesn’t seem to support the Black Lives Matter organization.  If we go further back,  we can recall the accusations of adultery,  fornication,  bribery,  treason,  theft,  and fraud,  to name just a few.  We could name a hundred or more areas in which the president’s character has been called into question.  

While there is, perhaps, a place to make a defense on some of these issues,  the scope of this article is not to defend Mr. Trump.  He certainly has made his fair share of mistakes,  many of which reflect poorly upon his character.  And his rhetoric can be,  admittedly,  divisive and polarizing, for sure!  He certainly does not speak or act in a way that would lead us to believe that he’s interested in seeking Mother’s Teresa’s endorsement!  

So let’s assume for a moment that every single accusation leveled again Mr. Trump is true.  Let’s assume he is an adulterer.  He is a fraud.  He is a liar.  He has insulted our military and demeaned them.  He has paid off mistresses with campaign funds. He has made secret deals with Russia to steal the election.  [Etc. Etc. You get the picture].  Let’s assume,  for a moment,  that every single accusation is absolutely true!  True!  Accurate!  He’s guilty of them all.  He’s morally bankrupt!    

Church, it would be irrelevant. Why?  

Because the sum total of all of Mr. Trumps alleged moral failures could never compare with the morally bankrupt practice of infanticide by abortion that is practiced in our country every day – a practice that our country has come not only to accept but to advocate on behalf of, and even celebrate.  

What’s the choice before us if we decide not to support Trump?  Voting for a pro-choice Democrat?  To do so would mean that we are either implicitly or explicitly supporting the party of infanticide.  We would be supporting a party responsible for the wholesale slaughter of over 61,000,000 innocent lives over the last 40 years!  Let that sink in!  That’s 61,000,000 children that will never have a chance at life on this earth!  All in the name of convenience and women’s rights.  

So let’s remember in November that

we are not voting for a person to fulfill the office of Pastor in Chief,  Christian in Chief,  or even Disciple in Chief.  We’re voting for the candidate who we believe will most closely support the precepts clearly laid out in Scripture,  to include the sanctify of the unborn life!  

The prophet Jeremiah proclaimed: Because the people have forsaken me and have profaned this place by making offerings in it to other gods whom neither they nor their fathers nor the kings of Judah have known;  and because they have filled this place with the blood of innocents. (Jeremiah 19:4, ESV)

God was saying, through Jeremiah, that the wickedness of Israel had become so great that slaying their own children was now common practice.  Because of this,  they had “the blood of innocents” on their hands.  In like manner,  supporting any candidate who supports the abortion of unborn children leads to the very same logical consequence – “blood of the innocents” on our own hands.  Let us not become so desensitized to the baseless slaughter of innocent lives that we would ever pull the lever for a pro-abortion candidate!  

I submit to you that the most important issue that Bible-believing Christians must consider on Election Day is that of the life of the unborn!

Don’t be swayed by the noise about a candidate’s moral character – any candidate,  Republican or Democrat.  Look at their record on abortion.  Then vote for the candidate that supports the life of the unborn!   Such a vote will be one that honors God and His kingdom, regardless of the candidates moral, ethical, marital, or religious standing.  Those things are between each candidate and the Lord.  My responsibility before the Lord is to protect the defenseless,  which requires supporting candidates who will use their influence to preserve the lives of the unborn.  

Prayerfully supporting the right to LIFE!
Pastor Myke