Attention members 55 and up! There's a special event just for you! Join others for a time of food, friends, fellowship,...
Join us for a time to fellowship at the Harbucks. We'll roast hotdogs and marshmallows, and enjoy the campfire, our independence, and...
There's another special event just for those 55 and up! Join others for a luau-themed home fellowship, filled with food, friends,...
50 or over? You're invited! Bring your favorite tex mex dish or side, and an appetite! See Jan Hopper for more details.
Two Home Fellowships happening at the same time! Over 50? Join the Hoppers at their home. Under 50? John the Harbucks at their home?...
Join us as we gather on the couch for some DEEP DIVES into some important Bible themes. Here's a list of some of the themes we'll dive...