In the great cosmic conflict for the souls of men, every effort for Christ is met by the fierce resistance of evil. Such was the case...
Focus on Kitchen Needs: Every Month Need: Aluminum Foil Ziplock bags (all sizes) Paper Plates Napkins...
Here's a list of the current needs for Abba House Middle GA: 4T-5T Pullups Wipes Baby Hypoalergenic Soap...
We're collecting the following items for Blessing Bags for the ladies at Abba House Middle GA : Spiritual Care Items Handwritten...
Friends, I’d like you to meet a long-time friend to Heidi, Lolita Hershberger and her family. Lolita, her husband Lavern, and their...
Happy birthday to Church Planting Pastor Renzo of Calvary Chapel Bereshit. You can learn more about CC Bereshit in Pacasmayo Peru here.